Monday, January 24, 2011

Beach search update

On my last visit to the Country Mouse we continued our beach search. You might recall from earlier posts I have been on the hunt to find a beach to call my own (like MY Bronte) in the Newcastle area. 

So far I have loved Caves Beach (especially the caves) and am pleased to announce - queue drum roll - I have now settled on my Newcastle home beach - and the winner is.... Nobby's Beach!

Whether Nobby's has an apostrophe or not seems a bone of grammatical contention, but whether it is Nobby's or Nobbys it's a gem, home of the Pasha Bulker beaching, a fabulous lighthouse and a wonderful headland.

Nobby's Beach here I come.


  1. Well, whilst Nobby's is a great beach, good luck in summer, it gets very crowded and the parking is hell I believe!(It also has parking meters).
    Another enjoyable & easier to get to beach is Stockton Beach which is located on the other headland opposite Nobby's Lighthouse.
    I favour this beach because it does not get crowded, no parking problems or meters, there is lots & lots of beach to stroll down, nice eatery & just generally nice, Anique, Aimee and myself go there fairly often for a nice drive and lunch sometimes. So next time your in town get Country Mouse to take you to Stockton Beach & see what you think :)

  2. The Country Mouse took me to Stockton Beach over Christmas. I think it is his favourite beach as he is fond of long, long, stretches of white sand. Me? I like to be cuddled by a beach with headlands either side of me. is an awesome beach, we walked and talked for about an hour, making our way from the car park (where I spyed a good looking cafe...another Sydney moment!) to an abandoned WW11 gun emplacement right on the beach. Well it looked like an abandoned WW11 gun emplacement, so I just decided that it was (perogative of an historian).

    I am going to park at various points along that insanely long, long beach - surely the longest beach in Australia? - and just walking and see what can be found. Apparently there is a ship wreck further along?
