Thursday, December 23, 2010

My friend Izzy

Izzy was a Sydney party girl who was part of a crowd who, in the 1990s, used to burn up this town. We were part of a scene know for its late nights, wild times and devil may care take on life.  She left the city a number of years ago and is now happily holed up in a regional city with her husband and kids. I asked for her advice and this is part of what she had to say:

"Regional rocks, opportunity knocks. For a gal like you, who can walk, talk
and chew gum - I'm sure you'll find work quickly. .. Or come up with
something yourself and apply for funding. I have no regrets leaving Sydney
but won't lie - it was hard and a complete umbilical cord cut, which sometimes
was tres liberating and then involved massive grieving at leaving a big part
of my identiy behind - but something I know I had to shed to move onward and upward. You can always run back - it's only two three hours away. Go for it. "

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